There is a great scene in the movie “Amadeus”: (
Composer and teacher Salieri presents Mozart with a piece of music in Mozart’s honor.
Mozart thanks Salieri and plays the music … then declares “that doesn’t really work, does it?” And proceeds to test some variations until he finds one that “works.”
Salieri was clearly a technical master and popular as a teacher. He did achieve success in his lifetime.
However, his success paled compared to Mozart’s both then and especially now. If it had not been for the play and resulting movie, Salieri would have been mostly forgotten … at least outside classical music specialists.
What does this have to do with AI and your business?
Business is ultimately both science AND art.
Keeping your business humming requires both having a score and conducting the orchestra.
AI can help with the technical details and automating some lower level work. And should for your business to keep up with (or pass) competitors. Don’t fear AI; fear competitors using AI if you don’t.
AI cannot help so much with the “art” of your business. What makes truly great music? Going beyond the mechanics of the score and by-the-numbers “conducting” … infusing art to both.
Make sure you understand what is the science part and what is the art part.
The art part is the human part that AI can’t replicate, at least now.
The former (AI) serves the latter (humans). Don’t let it get the other way around.
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