Michael Strong posted in LinkedIn about how students often turn around after a bad school experience … and the similar applies to employees.
His point: “You realize, all it takes to improve their lives is to give them love, attention, agency, purpose, and a positive peer environment.”
Translated a bit for business:
All it takes to improve employee lives (and business results) is to give them appropriate respect, attention, agency, feedback, purpose, and a positive peer environment.
Could be refined depending on what words you choose (e.g., Does “agency” imply “trust”?) and so on … but the core concept is there and hasn’t changed radically over time.
Pay attention to the Customers, the Employees, the business (Owners and shareholders), and any Significant other stakeholders (C.E.O.S.) … not one alone … and continually work toward long-term balance and “returns” for all.